Pumpkin Fun for Everyone!

Here were the kids waiting for the tractor to come around for our ride out to the pumpkin patch. It was a minor miracle that all 7 of them were looking at me AND smiling!

Here are DJ and Jake on the hayride.

My girls, Coley, Gianna and Hannah
Reeger's Farm has a lot of really neat things for the kids to do. There is a corn maze which the older kids went through with Babee. ( no pictures of this...sorry!)
There are lots of hay bales for the kids to climb on and jump off of.

There is a big slide...

...not to mention pumpkin bowling

... and Noah's favorite...a giant vat of corn to play in with sand toys. This provided much entertainment for the littlest Houghs. Noah threw a fit when we tried to take him out!
But the definite favorite is the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumkins. The kids were all reminded of the Golden Rule of Pumpkin Picking: If you can't carry it by yourself, you can't pick it!

DJ was showing off his big muscles by picking the biggest fattest pumpkin!

Hannah and her "perfect Princess pumpkin!" Of course!

Gia with her "happy cute pumpkin." Who knew that pumkins could have so much character?!

Isaac took a LOOOOOONG time to finally settle on a winner, but he picked a good one. I guess it was worth the wait!

Noah loved his "pum." He wouldn't let anyone else carry it for him.

Seven happy kids with seven perfect pumkins! What a great day!

A very tired but very happy mom and dad after a long day!
Check out more pictures of our day on my facebook page! Here's the link!