01 02 03 The Dayton Houghs: May the Fourth be with you also known as Gia's Birthday... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

May the Fourth be with you also known as Gia's Birthday...

Today is Gianna Marie's 9th birthday. She is number 6 of 9 but never gets lost in a crowd. She may be tiny, but she is hands down the loudest kid that we have if you go by a pound per decibel measurement. She is sassy and spunky, smart and funny, not to mention pretty darn cute!

Sadly she is celebrating her 9th birthday in bed. She seems to be the second kid to have fallen to this annoying stomach virus that is going around. Happy birthday...NOT! I assured her that we would celebrate her birthday with the traditional birthday dinner/cake and ice cream, once she is feeling better. I honestly think that she is more worried about missing school tomorrow and not being able to take in her birthday treats.

Anywhooo, in honor of her birthday (and because I don't have time to write a proper birthday blog, with all of the bucket emptying and cracker getting that I am doing) I decided to post links to some of my favorite Gia posts from years past...Enjoy!

This was one from when the Little Miss was three...Mama Mia Gia

One of my favorite posts about the dynamic duo...Hannah and Gia: Crime Scene

Another Gia/Hannah post....Toilets...

Gia's past birthdays : Gia age 5  &  Gia age 6

And one last one:  Gia's 1st Communion

I hope that you liked them!

35 36 37 38 The Dayton Houghs: May the Fourth be with you also known as Gia's Birthday...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth be with you also known as Gia's Birthday...

Today is Gianna Marie's 9th birthday. She is number 6 of 9 but never gets lost in a crowd. She may be tiny, but she is hands down the loudest kid that we have if you go by a pound per decibel measurement. She is sassy and spunky, smart and funny, not to mention pretty darn cute!

Sadly she is celebrating her 9th birthday in bed. She seems to be the second kid to have fallen to this annoying stomach virus that is going around. Happy birthday...NOT! I assured her that we would celebrate her birthday with the traditional birthday dinner/cake and ice cream, once she is feeling better. I honestly think that she is more worried about missing school tomorrow and not being able to take in her birthday treats.

Anywhooo, in honor of her birthday (and because I don't have time to write a proper birthday blog, with all of the bucket emptying and cracker getting that I am doing) I decided to post links to some of my favorite Gia posts from years past...Enjoy!

This was one from when the Little Miss was three...Mama Mia Gia

One of my favorite posts about the dynamic duo...Hannah and Gia: Crime Scene

Another Gia/Hannah post....Toilets...

Gia's past birthdays : Gia age 5  &  Gia age 6

And one last one:  Gia's 1st Communion

I hope that you liked them!


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