01 02 03 The Dayton Houghs: Happy birthday Princess Brattypants!!! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Happy birthday Princess Brattypants!!!

May 4th, 2005 was a big day for our family. It was the day that our sweet and sassy, Gianna Marie, made her way into the world. That was seven years ago. She has turned this family upside down. She is so funny and crazy smart. She is cute and shaggy. She loves tea parties and soccer. She is my baby girl and I hate that she is so big. SEVEN!!! Seriously?!?!? Why is seven so big? It just seems so old.... Although, she doesn't act like a 7 year old. She acts like she is 17. Sassy and mouthy, that is my girl. Actually a perfect example of this just recently happened. Given our crazy schedules this month, we decided to have the combo Gia/Aiden party on May 4th, Gianna's real birthday. I thought that she would be thrilled with this idea, and she was...at first. After giving it some thought, she realized that if we had the big party on her real birthday she would only get...and I quote, "If we have the party on my REAL birthday, that means only ONE party and ONE cake and that sucks!" (Please know that I am not ok with my 7 year old saying sucks...really, I am not. ) What a girl. She cracks me up. She loves school , but has come to realize that the homework that she so desperately craved, is totally lame. She is one smart cookie getting nearly perfect grades. (Bragging moment, kind of obnoxious, I know, but come on! It's her birthday!) She was absolutely convinced that I trimmed her hair (which is still below her shoulders) to make sure that she looked like a boy. (Obviously that was my motive.) She loves to read. She loves to help me cook. She relishes having her nails done by her big Sissy. She is freckled and fabulous. She is loved and she loves. Happy Birthday Shaggy! I guess, maybe, seven won't be so bad.

35 36 37 38 The Dayton Houghs: Happy birthday Princess Brattypants!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy birthday Princess Brattypants!!!

May 4th, 2005 was a big day for our family. It was the day that our sweet and sassy, Gianna Marie, made her way into the world. That was seven years ago. She has turned this family upside down. She is so funny and crazy smart. She is cute and shaggy. She loves tea parties and soccer. She is my baby girl and I hate that she is so big. SEVEN!!! Seriously?!?!? Why is seven so big? It just seems so old.... Although, she doesn't act like a 7 year old. She acts like she is 17. Sassy and mouthy, that is my girl. Actually a perfect example of this just recently happened. Given our crazy schedules this month, we decided to have the combo Gia/Aiden party on May 4th, Gianna's real birthday. I thought that she would be thrilled with this idea, and she was...at first. After giving it some thought, she realized that if we had the big party on her real birthday she would only get...and I quote, "If we have the party on my REAL birthday, that means only ONE party and ONE cake and that sucks!" (Please know that I am not ok with my 7 year old saying sucks...really, I am not. ) What a girl. She cracks me up. She loves school , but has come to realize that the homework that she so desperately craved, is totally lame. She is one smart cookie getting nearly perfect grades. (Bragging moment, kind of obnoxious, I know, but come on! It's her birthday!) She was absolutely convinced that I trimmed her hair (which is still below her shoulders) to make sure that she looked like a boy. (Obviously that was my motive.) She loves to read. She loves to help me cook. She relishes having her nails done by her big Sissy. She is freckled and fabulous. She is loved and she loves. Happy Birthday Shaggy! I guess, maybe, seven won't be so bad.


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