Teens and Toddlers...Is there really a difference?
I am a mother to 9 lovely human beings. My crew ranges in age from 14 months to 16 years. It's kind of insane, I know. On a daily basis, I handle issues ranging from diaper rash to acne, from playdoh to makeup, from kindergarten registration to drivers licenses. I am a very observant person, and as such I notice things. For example, despite the huge difference in size, teens and toddlers really have quite a bit in common. Toddlers eat nonstop...teens eat nonstop. Toddlers need tons of sleep, teens need tons of sleep. Toddlers throw temper tantrums when they don't get their own way and teens throw temper tantrums...well you get the point. Another thing that they have in common is that both toddlers and teens are trying to find their independence and their own identity. Hence the temper tantrums and whining. The battle that naptime becomes. Although there is a difference here. Toddlers fight you because they don't want to nap, but teens fight you because they do. They are in such a rush to grow up and move on to the next phase, they overlook how great being a kid really is. I just want to grab them and yell, "What is the rush??? Slow down and enjoy where you are!" Don't they realize that in a flash they will be all grown up with a mortgage and a job? Don't they realize that they are in a magically wonderful time? Of course not. I know that I didn't. I was always in a hurry to grow up. I guess that as a mother I still am. I find myself always trying to get to the next phase. I find myself pushing my kids sometimes to prove (To who??? I have no clue...) that I am a good mom. I have things together because my kid can do XYand Z. I need to slow down and enjoy each kid at each phase. I am going to blink and it will all be over. I guess I am kind of like a toddler and a teen too...the only difference is that nobody tells me to take a nap.
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