Seven days and counting!
It is officially official! I am on the books to be induced next Thursday, April 30th! All that I can say is Thank You God! While I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of number 8, this has been a difficult pregnancy for me. I think that it's because he's a boy. That has to be it! A girl would never do this to her mother! Since I was diagnosed with a random blood clotting disorder, I have had to give myself daily injections throughout the entire pregnancy. It started out at once a day, but I am now on a different blood thinner and I have to inject myself in the stomach 6 times a day! So not fun. He was also transverse for about 16 weeks. Thankfully he did turn! That means that I probably won't need a c-section and there was no need for the doctors to try and turn him . He is wiggly and squirming working his way down. I keep telling him go toward the light!!! We have also developed a BAD reputation on the maternity floor. The labor and delivery nurses all sadly sigh when we head up for my biweekly nonstress tests. They try to smile but I know that they are inwardly crying. This child just will not cooperate. What should normally take 20 minutes to a half an hour has at the very minimum taken 45 minutes. My NSTs have averaged 1 hour and a half to 2 hours. Seriously, is there a need? The nurses that I have had a couple of times now know when I'm coming and make sure that they are doing something else when I arrive and pass me off onto some poor unsuspecting nurse. I actually broke one nurse's happy spirit! She walked into the room all smiles and sunshine, determined to get my little baby onto the monitor. 45 minutes later she walked out of the room dejectedly shaking her head. I don't think that she has been the same since. I know that whenever I see her she won't make eye contact and darts into another room to avoid me.
All of this is ok though, because in 7 short days, my sweet little boy should be making his grand entrance into this crazy world. I cannnot wait to hold him in my arms instead of in my stomach. I can't wait to hear him cry that sweet little newborn cry. I can't wait to see what he looks like and to feel his soft new baby skin, and touch his tiny little newborn fingers. I can't wait to introduce him to his 7 brothers and sisters who are also anxiously awaiting his arrival. I can't wait to see how my husband looks at him with the eyes of a new father, eventhough this is #8! I can't wait to see how he just fits right into our family. I can't wait to tell him that he is loved and wanted and precious to us. I just can't wait!
We can't wait either!!! What's the scoop?!?!?
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